So there has been a lot of work at the house, although none of it is very apparent in photos. Ryan framed the interior load bearing walls last week in preparation to frame the second floor this week. We both worked out there yesterday to frame the porch floors. The front porch was a piece of cake, but the back porch is one story up, which required us to set up planks to work on. So...after being scared to dealth on the plank, clinging to the wall of the house and attempting to hold the lumber in place so Ryan could secure it, I decided it might be safer for everyone involved if I don't help frame the roof!
The hornets seem to think that we have built the house for them - we (meaning Ryan) battled 3 or 4 nests. We met a very friendly neighborhood puppy. We also re-sized four of the windows on the first floor after changing our minds (again). Thank goodness we're building this house ourselves and not going through a builder - he would have walked out on us by now with all of our little changes we've made now that the frame is going up!
Even with just a few of the interior walls framed you can really get a sense of the layout of the house. I can't wait to see what it looks like at the end of the week!