Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's a bird, it's a, it's a ROOF!!

So I pulled in the driveway yesterday afternoon and what did I see? RAFTERS! It was very exciting.

Looking at the house from the front yard.

It wouldn't be a post without a shot of the view. I think this is what Jan will see from her bedroom window - lucky Grammy!

Bird's eye view of Jan's "house".
Nice straight ridge!

Boys on the roof.

That's a lot of wood they put in the air in one day!

Brody's bedroom.

Stay tuned! Ryan and Clint are working on the rest of the rafters today and I'm hoping the front porch roof - we'll see!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Second Floor Walls

So it's really starting to look like a house.

Ryan and Clint pushed it into high gear yesterday and stood 4 more walls on the second floor. When I pulled up yesterday afternoon and saw the progress I got goosebumps! It's so cool to see the drawing that we worked on for so many months come to life!

This is the front dormer that will be our master bedroom.

Looking out the master bedroom windows.

View of the front of the house.

Hi guys!

The first gable wall to go up faces Snow Pond Rd. The window next to the ladder on the right is our master bath, the middle window is Brody's bathroom, and the window to the left is Brody's bedroom window.

This is the other gable facing the garage. The first window toward the front of the house is the master closet, and the second one is the office.

This is looking at the same gable wall facing the garage, but from the back of the house. So the upstairs window on the right is the master closet, middle is the office, and the left is the third bedroom, which is identical to Bro's room.

This is the back of the house. It looks like someone karate-chopped the roof off. The chunk out of the first floor will be the screen porch.

View from the outside. We're still figuring out the fireplace, which is why there is a big opening on the first floor. There will be a chimney here when it's finished.

View from the frint corner - it looks kind of disjointed, but it will all come together when the roof is on!
Ryan and Clint seem to have quiet a process in place. Clint does the cutting and Ryan nails it all together. They have it down to a science!
Putting up the master bath dormer wall on the front of the house.
Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On to the Second Floor

Ry started on the second floor this week. All of the second floor, floor joists are in place and, with my dad's help, all the hangers are on as well as the plywood. So after work I could actually climb up to the second floor and look out what will be the bedroom windows. It's high enough up to see another "mountain" on the other side of our neighbors house. I need to get a map up there and orient myself to see just what mountains we're looking at.

Ryan's family came out to see the house on Saturday. Pat & Ev were up from NC and came out to see the house for the first time! It's so fun to give tours - it makes it feel so real that we'll be living there soon. And now that the plywood is on the second floor and the first floor is all enclosed, it is really starting to feel like a house!

Ryan nailing down the plywood on the second floor with his back-saver piece of equipment to haul materials upstairs.

Some inside pictures of the first floor. This will be the hallway leading into the kitchen.

Looking into the family room.

Looking into the hearth room through the kitchen.

Looking into the kitchen through the hearth room.

Someday the fireplace will be between the windows.

Looking out the front door.

Not quite panoramic out the bedroom window...someday.

The view from Brody's "treehouse" bedroom. He'll be up so high!