It would be a bit more impressive if the ladder wasn't still leaning against the front of the house, but you get the idea. The posts under the farmers porch still need to be stained too, but I think we're going to wait until after we get in the house to paint them.

So I know this isn't a picture of the house...but even though the spotlight of this site has been the house, the spotlight in real life is Brody. Heis so much fun right now even though he is seriously tests our patience daily! He reminds us of what life should be all about...and the next instant makes us want to pull out our hair...but alas, he is 2 and we wouldn't expect any less from our smart, funny, stubborn little boy! Raising a child is quite a Jekyl and Hyde experience! He was a happy camper the other morning though and decided to take a breather on the kitchen floor for some reason. On a house-related note, Brody picked out the paint color for his bedroom...surprise he wanted blue!

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