Thursday, May 20, 2010

After Dinner Snack?

So with our grocery bills already at well over $100 a week, I have no idea what we're going to do when Brody hits adolescence and starts eating even more - is that even possible.  For dinner the other night, he had scrambled eggs, two veggie sausages, an english muffin, and a bowl of blackberries.  When Daddy got home, he was starving and decided to have some chips and hummus before Brody's bath...despite the monstrous dinner he just ate, Brody decided that he wanted a snack and proceeded to dip his breakfast cereal in hummus.  Now I don't know what's more disturbing...the fact that my child must have two stomachs in order to contain the absurd amount of food that he was ingesting, or the fact that he was choosing to dip cereal in hummus...

Close up of hummus-coated cereal...


And just in case you weren't grossed out is the proof that he actually ate it!

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