Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where did Summer go?

As I write this I am bundled at my kitchen table drinking a cup of tea thinking about having a bowl of chicken soup that I made for dinner last night! I guess it's time to say goodbye to summer! We've had a string of tropical storms that have brought a lot of rain and cooler weather to New Hampshire and while it doesn't really feel like Fall yet, it doesn't feel like Summer either. I am just so not ready for Summer to be over. I've been sleep deprived and foggy most of the summer and I am not looking forward to the upcoming cold and flu season. Just thinking about it makes my heart have palpitations.

Since I don't have a time machine to have a summer do-over, I'll share a few pictures of what we've been up to the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!

The boys have played together as much as is possible for a four year old and a five month old to play!

Jameson has decided that lying down is for the birds. He wants to sit or stand all the time. Of course he's too lazy to figure out how to roll over or sit or stand on his own. Props like the Bumbo are his best friends!

We seem to have gotten over the hump of hating tummy time. While he's still not the biggest fan, he doesn't scream like he's being tortured anymore! Bonus!

He's also learned that the swing ain't half bad! If only he had learned this before his little buddha body topped the weight capacity for the swing...

OK, this is a big one and really deserves it's own post, but...time is ticking so here is a picture of Brody on his very first day of Pre-K!! Can you believe it! Look how happy he is!

And here he is showing me how excited he is to start Pre-K!

And one of Mommy & Brody...yes, I realize I look terrible and sleep deprived. You'll have to bring this up with Jameson!

Speak of the he is chewing away. I forgot how teething can ruin a perfectly good baby!

Here he is with his favorite toy. Yep, that's right a burp cloth is this kids favorite toy. I guess with the reflux, the burp cloth has become somewhat of a lovey for him!

Just hanging around...a jammy sort of day!
And this is just to show you that I actually exist. I'm not just some blog voice-over. Here I am, unshowered, sans make-up, covered in dry spit-up, you know...the usual! I don't know if I'm delirious from not having a full night of sleep in over five months or from the post-partum hormones still lingering in my body, but as hard as life is right now, I wouldn't trade it for anything!

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