Monday, October 3, 2011

Yesterday I got Lost in the Circus

OK, so the Deerfield Fair was a bust this weekend because of the weather. Ryan had really hyped up the fair to Brody and he was disappointed that they weren't able to go. I personally could care less about the fair. The noise, the crowds, the smells...ugh, I can do without. The only things I personally find enjoyable about fairs are the fresh squeezed lemonade, those curly, shaved french fries that they peel from one single potato (mmm, wish I had me some of those right now), and the occasional Made in New Hampshire craft tent. But even those things usually don't tempt me enough to want to go to a fair. Brody and Ryan are like carnies though, only pouring rain with a chance of yet more rain can keep them from going.

Well, apparently Ryan felt bad about not being able to go because, as I was cleaning the little boy pee off of the third toilet in the house (I mean seriously, can Brody just pick one toilet to use), Ryan came up to me to inform me that he was getting tickets for Bro and I to go to the circus. The conversation went something like this.
Me: Grrr (grumbling about cleaning toilets).
Ryan: (giddy with carnie delight). I'm getting tickets for the circus for you to bring Brody.
Me: uuhhh...I would rather you bring him.
Ryan: You always say that you never get to do anything just you and Brody.
Me: Ummm...o.k. (I reluctantly agreed as I thought of the creepy circus music, the brightly colored polyester costumes, the freakishly happy clowns).

So we went. And who-wudda-thunk-it, Mama enjoyed the circus. More than the circus, I enjoyed the rare - I mean so rare that we thought it was extinct - Mama and Brody date.  We decided that our favorite parts were the tigers and elephants, and the motorcycles that rode around in a metal ball - weird, scary, but very cool. It was magical to watch Brody take it all in. A few Brody circus quotes...

"Can we have some of that treasure?"
"Is she going to hang by her hair?" (funny because he verbalized my exact thought...and yes, she did indeed hang, suspended far above the ground, by her hair!
"Are those real superheros?" (about the flying trapeze guys who were dressed like Captain America.
and finally, my favorite and least politically correct...
"Mama, did you see that tiny grown up?"

God, I love that kid. And I am grateful to my husband for giving me time alone with my Brody.

Taking it all in.


I just thought it was hilarious that after the tigers they made these poor donkeys and goats stand up on boxes. 

Ok, I know PETA will probably hate me, but these elephants were so cool. I just kept telling myself that they were rescued from poachers and the circus saved them and after the shows they get an all you can eat peanut buffet or whatever elephants love to eat. This elephant was particularly adorable. It picked up a dog in a basket.

I must admit that I spent a lot of the circus looking at this...just to watch Bro's reaction to everything. This was when the flying trapeze guys were starting...

And this was the look on his face right before he asked me if they were real super heros!

In his defense, it really did look like they could fly!

More elephants because, how cute are they that they hold on to each others' tails?!!

And this is some trick!
We don't know what these guys were supposed to be, but they were fun to watch

And the best part, spending time with my biggest, little man!

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