So aside from the freak 22" snowstorm in October, November has been relatively mild in New Hampshire this year and not nearly as dreary as usual. Thank goodness because, while Jameson seems to finally be getting the hang of this sleeping thing, I'm no where near caught up on sleep (is it possible to still be recovering from his birth after 8 months?). And dreary days combined with sub-par sleep conditions results in a very cranky and sad Mama!
The sunshine and warmer temps have been making November quite pleasant though. We went to visit Pat and Ev in York yesterday and enjoyed ourselves a scrumptious Thanksgiving Dinner with the McCarthy family (yes a week early, but there can never be too many turkey dinners!). The best part of the day, besides finding out that we're going to have a new niece in April (do you like how I just casually slip this in here like it's not the best news ever!! A McCarthy girl? Whoever heard of such a thing?) was that the boys were able to play football in the front yard in's the end of November and they were wearing t-shirts! And sweating! We know it's only a matter of time before t-shirts are a distant memory, but we'll certainly enjoy it while we can.
So here are a few pictures of just another day with the boys. I'm pretending it's a clever title for this post, but honestly, I just can't remember when these pictures are from. I try to be all casual and funny and gently make fun of myself that "ha, ha, having a second child diminished my brain capacity, ha, ha"...the thing is, it's completely true and really (REALLY) not funny. And...I have been kind of bad at taking pictures lately. I realized sometime last week that I was busy actually living life (you know, instead of trying to capture it all from behind the camera lens) and so I snapped a few pictures here and there. And then I had an epiphany.
It's not that my parent's loved my sister more than they loved me. It's not that they were too poor after having a second child to develop film. Those are not the reasons that there are a million (ok, maybe only 4) albums of my sister when she was a baby and only half of an album of me. It was simply that there was just no time to leisurely sit around and gaze at the baby and have a photo shoot every day. I get it now! And, being a second child with a poorly documented childhood, I vow to not let all the little, seemingly insignificant moments of Jameson's childhood (and Brody's for that matter), go un-captured (spell check tells me this isn't a word, but you know what I mean, right?). are some seemingly insignificant moments from the last week. Enjoy!
Jameson, enjoying the toes of a member of the Bee-Bop-Band (come on, don't you know the Bee-Bop-Band?)
Yes, my child still has blue eyes...I'm as confused about that as you's a big B, little b thing (yes, I'm a science geek!). He also has chapped cheeks because it's November in New Hampshire and because he happens to have the most delicious cheeks this side of the Mississippi and we can help but nibble on them every chance we get.
This is what we do at night after dinner. We get on the floor and wrestle with Daddy. It's hilarious, there is laughter, elbows to the face, and knees to the gut, and it usually ends in someone getting hurt, but for some reason, we do it all over again the next night. Boys...I still can't figure them out.
And in a rare moment of calm...Jameson seems to be wondering what he got himself into with this family.
And now, if he could talk, I think he would say, "WTF Mama! Put the camera down and save me from this ferocious puppy who is going to drown me in sloppy kisses! (A note to Child Protective Services: while the dog is a rottweiler and the child does look frightened, I assure you, said child actually loves sloppy puppy kisses and typically welcomes them with open arms and open mouth - much to his mother's dismay.)
And because I'm a bad mother and I don't think I actually captured the moment when he had his first solid food (or maybe I did, remember what I said about my diminished brain capacity?), here is a picture that I can show him some day if he ever asks about the first time he had solid food. And as I type this I realize how unlikely it is that he will ever actually ask me that question, but I'll be prepared just in case!
That's all for now, sorry about all the parenthesis...clearly my mind is scattered and a bit all over the place. Again, I'll blame the baby!
"A McCarthy girl?!?! Whoever heard of such a thing??".... WE HAVE!!!! Her name is Meghan, I'll introduce you guys sometime.... :)
ReplyDeleteOh I've met her once or twice! Simply stressing the 7:1 ratio of the two generations. You must admit McCarthy girls are quite rare.