Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Sampson the Wonder Dog!

Happy 1st Birthday to Sampson, our crazy, energetic, bull-in-a-china-shop, furry boy! 


You are certainly not the most obedient dog. You shed more than anything with short hair should. You can't seem to resist chasing the cat or eating turkey poop, and are sometimes too busy sniffing leaves or watching birds fly by to realize that you are in fact peeing on your own foot. Despite these things, you are most certainly our dog and you belong with our often crazy, never on time, always loving family.  

I realize that you hear "no" from us more often than you'd like (maybe you should learn that chewing on Han Solo and nibbling baby feet are not things that puppies are supposed to do and you'd hear "no" a lot less...just sayin'), and you probably hear me grumbling sometimes about how "my floors are scratched and covered with dog hair", but I would like to take this moment to thank you for a few things...

1. Your ability to make us laugh at your goofy behavior, particularly when you seem to have absolutely no concept of how big of a dog you have become.

 2. Your patience and gentle manner around our human children. I know you get bopped and patted, pulled and head-butted and your easy-going attitude does not go unrecognized.

3. Your enthusiasm for the outdoors. It gets us out of the house and moving our bodies even when all that we want to do is curl up by the fire.

4. Your curiosity and downright nosiness (yes, I realize that most of the time I get irritated at this, especially when you jump up on the bed in the morning to make sure I'm still in it, or barge into the shower during the only time that I actually spend alone to see if I need you to lick the shower floor dry). When I'm having a bad day or a frustrated moment, or when I need a good snuggle, you are always there with your wet little nose and your puppy-dog eyes!

5. You make my husband incredibly happy and feel that his life is complete. Apparently, in Ryan's world, a life is not complete without a dog to share it with (you'd think a wife and two kids would be sufficient, but you my friend are apparently the cherry on top)


So Happy Birthday to our sweet, goofy boy. May the coming year bring you delectable treats, long walks through the woods, chew toys you can't destroy, and ample tummy rubs!

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