Dear Jameson,
So we have made it through your first year...and we are all in one piece. I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you, before really, but when I saw your sweet face, your baby fine hair, your fingers and toes and all the perfection that is you, I fell in love completely. I don't know if I was ever really afraid that I wouldn't love another child as much as my first, but if I had been, that thought quickly vanished. I have loved every inch of you with my entire being right from the start. And while I expected you to be like your brother when he was a baby - since he was the only baby I had ever really known - you quickly let me know that was not to be the case!
You have become a pretty easy going guy 50% of the time...unless you want to eat, or wrestle the cat, or chew on the dog toys or some other activity that we prevent you from doing and then LOOK OUT! Let's just say that you are not full of patience. You are however in the other half of your time, full of belly laughs, silly grins, snuggle-love pats, and high fives. You are rough and tumble - the epitome of "boy". Your desire to listen to music and dance is nearly as ferocious as your desire to eat! And while, at your age, your brother was probably speaking in complete sentences to ask us to turn the music on (he has always been a verbal overachiever), you are content to point at the ipod and do a smiley little wiggle dance to let me know that you would like to hear some music while you nosh on your banana or waffle or the never-ending supply of cheerios that you so hot-temperedly demand!
You are content to do things your way, at your own pace, and you are confident with your not-so-little voice to make sure that we know when things aren't going as you planned. Like when you want to hit that irresistible button with the little orange light on the dvd player, but someone put that effing gate in your way so you can see the button, but you Or when you want to play with Sampson's food and water dish and clink and clang them together in a mess all over the floor, or when you simply want to go to bed after your bath, but we make you get dried off and put on a diaper and jammies. We realize that this is torture for you, but I promise that we really have your best interest at heart. You are fairly Jeckyl & Hyde my boy. A carefree, easy going soul one minute and then in a wound up little ball of fire and tears the next. It's quite exhausting and completely precious, and although I could do with a few less outbursts (particularly around dinner time in the middle of the week), it is who you are. My precious, firecracker boy!
I could go on and on about how you love to swing, and wrestle with your brother. How you know no fear - like seriously you know no fear and will likely give me regular panic attacks in the near future! How you have learned to give sweet kisses, and say "hi" whenever the phone rings, and eat half of my breakfast after you've already eaten yours. I have a million stories about you from just one year. I cannot wait to see what this lifetime together holds for us. Thank you for being my little boy blue. Thank you for making me a mother again - still - again. Thank you for smiling at me when you wake up from a nap as I slowly open the door to breath in your sweet baby air - while it's still smells of baby. I will love you forever...and then some.
Love ~Mama
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