Friday, April 24, 2009

Quick (or not-so-quick) update

No new photos today. The site doesn't look much different in photos so I'll give a quick narrative update. The well company did the drawdown test yesterday and in 4 hours of pumping the water level in the well only dropped 2 feet. So even though the gpm's were only 10, there is plenty of water flowing into the well and we were given the green light that it definitely has a good enough yield for the geothermal heat system. Whew!

We did learn late in the day yesterday that we should have a "bleed line" to a dry well for the heat pump to discharge to on really cold days. This keeps the system running more efficiently by avoiding sending cold water back into the well when the temps are below freezing. Of course we didn't learn this until the well crew had already brought their concrete drills and pipes home. So Ryan and I rented a drill this morning and bought some plastic pipe to run through the existing trench, and some filter fabric to make a dry well. Just our luck...when we got to the lot, the site guy, Brian, was just finishing backfilling the trench we had planned to run the pipe through. Brian was willing to re-dig the trench so Ryan went to get his tools and realized that he had left all of his hand tools at home to make room for a generator that we borrowed last night. Long story short, after we borrowed an extension cord from the neighbor, Ry and I MacGiver'd the bleed line with a bolt, a pen, and a swiss army crazy as that sounds, I'm actually completely serious!

So the bleed line and dry well are installed and the trench is filled back in. Big "high five" for me and Ry! The entire house has been backfilled, and the site work is done with the exception of spreading out the loam, but apparently that doesn't happen until the frame is up and it has been roofed and sided. We had Brian place a couple more monster boulders for us before they take the excavator away that we will landscape around later.

We were looking around after the stress of the morning settled down and we realized that everything looks AWESOME and we are SO happy with how it's laying out. The grading worked out so well and we're going to have a great side yard for Brody to play in - we're talking serious soccer and football games! And around the other side of the house is a great hill for sledding.

Before we left the first of the lumber was delivered for the frame. Ry's eyes lit up at the sight of it and he asked me if he could work tomorrow - tomorrow being Saturday! How could I say no? So it looks like the frame will get started tomorrow!

So we're getting there. It's still a long road ahead, but we've moved from the dirt and concrete stage to the wood stage - It's so exciting!

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