Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rock Walls and Tractor Rides

It took us 9 months to build our house, start to finish.  At the pace we're going, I think landscaping might take 9 years...or more.  We had great hopes of building a small rock retaining wall in the front of the house to definea raised perennial garden (to be planted someday).  So we went and bought the stone and dug out the area and got started...and then I don't know what happened.  We bought some blueberry bushes (yet to be planted) and got some strawberry plants (planted in an area that doesn't really make sense, but they were drying up and dying) and then we started painting the posts on the front porch (I said "started" because we still haven't finished) at my last count we have 18 ongoing projects and no completion dates in site.  Now I will not blame this entirely on our fiesty 2.5 year old, but he is certainly a contributing factor to the lack of completion on just about everything we have started.  So...we started another project - building a swing set - in hopes that once the swing set was built, Brody would be entertained enough for us to maybe, just maybe, get something wrapped up!

Here are some photos from our attempt at building a rock wall and "tractor" rides, that have distracted us from finishing the wall!

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