Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Brody!

Dear Brody,
Sometime this year, when I wasn't looking, you grew up. Instead of a small child needing help and reassurance to do most any task, you have grown into a strong, independent minded, thoughtful, courageous, loving, kind, little man, and you have become one of the most amazing creatures I have ever known. I love you with absolutely all of my heart.

In wanting to be a good mother, I have always tried to teach you the important things about the to be kind, how to share, to not be afraid to voice your thoughts, to love, to have a sense of humor, to take care of your body, to make enough time to play, to drink good tea and eat good ice cream, but I'm afraid that all this time I've been trying to teach you, you have actually been teaching me.

From you I have learned what it means to truly love. It often feels that you are an extension of me and sometimes I am unsure of the where my being ends and yours begins. I want to hug you so tight that I absorb you back into my body - it just seems like the safest and best place for you to be most of the time! Since that isn't possible, you have also taught me the art of letting go. I admit that I am not the fastest learner in this particular subject, but I have never experienced such pride as when I watch you concentrate to write your name or stop to admire a salamander or climb into your brother's crib and make a funny face or sing a song to make him smile. You are finding your way in the world.

And there is nothing that makes me feel more loved than the words you use to tell me how much you love me "I love you bigger than the earth, no I love you bigger than the universe, no I love you bigger than everything" and my favorite of all time "I love you bigger than the wind".

I have never been happier than a few weeks ago when you asked me if someday you had to move away and live in a house of your own. Of course I said you no and you were so relieved. So was I when I heard you say "I want to live with you forever". Not a problem kid! 

And so, I could go on and on for days about how grateful I am that you're my Brody. That I get to wake up to your sleep-stained face every morning and kiss your freshly shampood hair before bed each night and that I get to witness all of the amazingness that is you in the hours in between. You make me so happy and proud. I love you more than you will probably ever understand.

Happy Birthday to you my sweet little Brody. I love you bigger than the wind! I love you bigger than everything!

Party Shots!

One happy family!

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